Available Christine-Laubach-22Infinite-Tide22-48x7222-triptych-mixed-media-goldcopperacrylic-on-canvas-2 "precipitating change" 72x48H" diptych (36x48H" each acrylic on canvas) "Feeling Midnight" 24x48w" mixed media on canvas. "precipitating marine species" 60x48H" acrylic on canvas "Fleeting moments" 36x36 acrylic on canvas Christine Laubach "Day in the garden" 36x36" acrylic on cotton "Feeling Daylight" 20x32w" diptych, mixed media on canvas "Every night" 16x40"w acrylic on cotton "Another evening in paradise" 24x24 Significant precipitation 60x48H"-acrylic-on-canvas Is it the heat of the night? 48x24w"acrylic on cotton canvas "Midnight tango" 48x24w" acrylic on cotton canvas blue,white,nude,black 16x40"w acrylic on canvas "thoughts of Stowe#2"16x40" acrylic on canvas "thoughts of Stowe #1" 16x40 acrylic on canvas "precipitating rock formations" 36x36" acrylic mixed media on canvas "Water and elements #1" 36x48" acrylic on canvas Exploring horizons #2,acrylic on cotton,48x48 Christine-Laubach-Mouse-Trap-48x48 recycled repurposed-mixed-media-acrylic-on-canvas "Mineral deposits" 48x36h" mixed media recycled objects and paint on canvas Dont-touch-that-dead-bumblebee #2 .50x40" acrylic on canvas Childs play 48"x72" acrylic on canvas Sold” Look...what"s in your garden 48x48 acrylic on canvas uninvited guest, 72"x48" mixed media on canvas12...5►